The Cult Expert Files

Topic: Undue Influence and Cults

By Debra Van Neste

Undue influence is a psychological tactic used to manipulate and control individuals by exploiting their vulnerabilities. Cults use undue influence techniques to recruit and retain members. Let’s discuss the dangers of undue influence and cults as well as ways to protect oneself from such groups,

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Undue influence is a form of social influence that occurs when an individual or group uses manipulation tactics to control the behavior of another person. These tactics include manipulation, indoctrination, negation and deception, other tactics in similar categories is the use of fear and guilt. Cults are groups that use undue influence techniques to control, recruit and retain members thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

The dangers of undue influence and cults are numerous. Indvidual’s who are exposed to undue influence can become isolated from their friends and family, lose their sense of identity and become dependent on the cult leader. Cults can be financially exploitative, often demanding large sums of money from their members. Additionally, cults can be physically dangerous, as many cults require their members to engage in extreme behaviors and endanger their health and well-being.

There are several ways to protect oneself from undue influences and cults. First it’s important to be aware of the signs of undue influence. One of the reasons it’s very important knowing what might be a “red flag” early on is because it so subtle you often do not know it’s even happening to you until it’s too late. Do research on the group, such as looking up the organization online, speaking to former members, and reading about the tactics of undue influence.

Education is your empowerment, at Thinking Agenda LLC we devised “The Mind Model of Cults and Undue Influence” which breaks down undue influence, manipulation, and psychological techniques.

We teach “The Mind Model” on any platform free of charge. We feel no one should be denied the education of this model, which has been judicially accepted in a court of law.

For more information contact us thru the form on this website.

References: Archives of Dr Cathleen Mann, conversations.